Bilevel Programming Derivatives of LDS-GNN

A supplementary derivation for LDS-GNN appendix.


Now we have a bilevel programming problem:

$$\min_{\theta, w_{\theta}} F(w_{\theta},\theta)\mathrm{\ such\ that\ } w_{\theta}\in \arg \min_{w} L(w, \theta) \tag{1}$$

where for the inner problem, $w$ is learned by

$$ w_{\theta, T} = \Phi(w_{\theta, T-1}, \theta) = \Phi(\Phi(w_{\theta,T-2}, \theta), \theta) = \cdots \tag{2} $$

As is stated in the paper, we follow a process of $\tau$ times inner, once outer. In such process we can directly compute the gradients of the outer params, as $\theta$ in our problem.

Therefore, our major concern now is to compute $\nabla_{\theta}F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)$, with which we can update $\theta$ using Adam or SGD optimizer.


We have inner param $w \in \mathbb{R}^{N_w}$ and outer param $\theta \in \mathbb{R}^{N_{\theta}}$. $\nabla_{\theta}F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)$ can be written as

$$ \frac{\partial F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)}{\partial \theta} = F_w(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)\cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta, T} + F_{\theta}(w_{\theta,T},\theta) \tag{3} $$

Here $F_w$ and $F_{\theta}$ can both be easily computed using PyTorch, and $\nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta, T}$ builds the connection to inner updater $\Phi$. As the inner param $w$ undergoes $\tau$ times of update, we have to derive its recursive formula:

$$ \begin{aligned} \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,T} &= \frac{\partial \Phi(w_{\theta,T-1}, \theta)}{\partial \theta} \\
&= \Phi_w(w_{\theta,T-1}, \theta)\cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,T-1}+\Phi_{\theta}(w_{\theta,T-1},\theta) \\
&= D_{T-1} \cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,T-1} + E_{T-1} \end{aligned} \tag{4} $$

Here $D$ and $E$ denote the jacobian matrix of $\Phi$ w.r.t $w$ and $\theta$ respectively, who can be efficiently computed via Auto Grad. Therefore, $D \in \mathbb{R}^{N_w \times N_w}$, $E \in \mathbb{R}^{N_w \times N_{\theta}}$ and $\nabla_{\theta}w \in \mathbb{R}^{N_w \times N_{\theta}}$. The dimension of $(4)$ matches.

If we combine equation $(3)$ and $(4)$, we can derive the equation between $\nabla_{\theta}F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)$ and $\nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,T-1}$. Then if we repeat the process of $(4)$ we can get the equation between $\nabla_{\theta}F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)$ and $\nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,T-2}$, $\nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,T-3}$, and so on. Therefore, as is done by LDS-GNN paper, we can try to derive the equation between $\nabla_{\theta}F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)$ and jacobian matrix $\nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,t}$ of any round as,

$$ \frac{\partial F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)}{\partial \theta} = P_t \cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta, t} + G_t \tag{5} $$

From equation $(3)$ we know that $P_T = F_w(w_{\theta,T},\theta)$ and $G_T = F_{\theta}(w_{\theta,T}, \theta)$, which are both easy to compute. And if equation $(5)$ holds for $t$, we can derive that for $t-1$ as

$$ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)}{\partial \theta} &= P_t \cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta, t} + G_t \\
&= P_t \cdot (D_{t-1} \cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,t-1} + E_{t-1}) + G_t \\
&= (P_t \cdot D_{t-1}) \cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta,t-1} + (P_t \cdot E_{t-1} + G_t) \\
&= P_{t-1} \cdot \nabla_{\theta}w_{\theta, t-1} + G_{t-1} \end{aligned} \tag{6} $$

Hence, $P_{t-1} = P_{t} \cdot D_{t-1}$ and $G_{t-1} = P_{t} \cdot E_{t-1} + G_{t}$.

All we need to do is keep deriving it until $t=T-\tau$, where $\nabla_{\theta} w_{\theta, T-\tau} = \mathbf{0}$ as $w_{\theta, T-\tau}$ has nothing to do with current $\theta$.

$$ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)}{\partial \theta} &= P_{T-\tau} \cdot \nabla_{\theta} w_{\theta, T-\tau} + G_{T-\tau} \\
&= P_{T-\tau} \cdot \nabla_{\theta} w_{\theta, T-\tau} + (P_{T-\tau+1} \cdot E_{T-\tau} + G_{T-\tau+1}) \\
&= P_{T-\tau+1} \cdot E_{T-\tau} + G_{T-\tau+1} \end{aligned} \tag{7} $$

Finally, Eq. $(7)$ gives the final formula of $\nabla_{\theta}F(w_{\theta, T}, \theta)$ in a recursion form. Derivations above exactly correspond to Algorithm 2 in the supplementary material of LDS-GNN.

Yuhan Wang
Yuhan Wang
Ph.D. student of MMLab@NTU

My current research lies in video generation and its downstream tasks.